There are many types of museums. In fact, there are more than eight million objects in the British Museum alone. Of those, only a fraction are on display. Museums can serve many functions. For example, they can help create unity in a community by providing an important sense of place and a chance to learn more about local history. For others, museums can provide an opportunity to discover and enjoy an art form or two. If you’re thinking of visiting a museum, read on to learn more about the different types of museums.
A museum can serve a variety of purposes, from educational and recreational spaces to research and exhibition spaces. In some cases, a museum can also act as a catalyst for economic development. One example of a museum fulfilling an economic role is the Guggenheim Bilbao in Bilbao, Spain. The Basque regional government agreed to pay $100 million to build the museum and enlist Bilbao citizens to help finance its construction. While this may have been controversial, the museum is now a major economic engine for the city. In 2015 alone, the museum had 1.1 million visitors.
The word museum derives from nine classical Greek muses. The “Museion” in ancient Alexandria was more of a university with a valuable library than a display space. Most historians place the first museum in the seventeenth or eighteenth century. Other examples of museums date from ancient Rome, where public squares were used to display statuary and sacred objects. In Japan, traditional shrines hung small paintings and statues in order to draw good fortune.
The Philadelphia Museum of Art houses major collections of European and Asian art. It features 24 period rooms, as well as works by Rembrandts and Vermeers. The museum also features contemporary art and other collections that span many different periods of history. While this is the most well known of the two museums, it still remains a popular destination for visitors. If you’re in the area, take some time to explore the many galleries. You’ll be glad you did!
The first phase of the process involved consultation. The aim of this phase of the process was to receive input from stakeholders and to gather feedback about the process. Once the process of consultation has concluded, the ICOM General Conference will be held in 2022. The process will consist of 4 rounds of consultation and eleven steps. The entire process is expected to take about 18 months. However, the timeline may be adjusted depending on circumstances. And it’s still early in the process.
Today’s museums need to be inclusive. They must reach out to ‘hard-to-reach’ communities. This has wide implications for curatorial work and programming. They need to present themselves as welcoming, inclusive, and relevant to all people. It’s important for museums to engage with communities that have been marginalised by society. In doing so, they are doing their part in creating a better world. It’s important to remember that there’s no one single group that is excluded.